
New Year 2016


Is the total, complete, strong and living adherence that we give to the Word of God: God speaks, I believe, that is the act of faith, but when God speaks, He says something. What does He say? He promises us eternal goods, He says that if we seek above all the Kingdom of God and His justice, we shall have His Kingdom, His justice, and in addition, the goods of this world (Mt. 6: 33). He tells us to have confidence, that He has come, “not to lose but to save” (Lk. 9: 56), “for the sick and not for the healthy” (Mk. 2: 17) (Lk. 5: 31) (Mt. 9: 12). He promises us joys and happiness which no human word can utter, “the things that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, things beyond the mind of man” (I Co. 2: 9) (Is. 64: 3). That is what God says to us, so if we believe in God’s word, we must hope for its fulfillment.


Hope is the flower of faith as charity is the fruit of hope; these three virtues, I repeat, are intertwined; faith without hope is a branch without a flower; hope which does not produce charity is a sterile flower which produces no fruit. Men of faith are also men of hope. See David, the model of faith: all the psalms are full of acts of hope. He says to God: “You are my hope” (Ps. 141: 6).
How good it is for man to hope in God and how good God is to those who hope in Him! “I hope in you,
In Scripture the mountain of Sion is the symbol of hope, and that is why you, children of Sion, must always be filled with hope. May hope dominate all your works, all your sentiments; hope against all hope like Abraham, the father of faith; hope that Our Lord will never abandon you, that He is with you, that He loves you very much, immensely; hope that you will meet in heaven all those whom you love, and pray for them in this hope, We pray because we hope: prayer is the language of hope (…) 4. 101


“In one word, you must give yourselves because of love; without love you will have no understanding of what you are doing. In the religious life everything is love. It was the love of Jesus Christ which made Him choose you. You were touched by the love of Jessus Christ who, is spite of complications and difficulties, led you here. You respond to the love of this divine fieance by loving Him as He loved you, binding yourself to Him, showing Him undying love so that love is a unbreakable bond which unites you to Him”


Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing!” Let us remember that Christ pronounced this prayer aloud to make people understand how, following His example, they must be good and merciful and pardon each other mutually. Let us note in this first word of the crucified Jesus hope for the salvation of the Jews and the certain pledge of their pardon.


Mercy His mercy, will fill us with gratitude, confidence and love. 4. 147 I thank you that I can be mercifl to thos in my life, for you have mercy on me. Lk, 6,36


Our justice will be full and abundant if we accomplish the law with all our heart, all our strength, all our faculties, i.e. if we love God with our heart, with our thought, with our will, our actions and our whole being. Everything belongs to God, it is for Him that we must live as Jesus Christ lived for His Father …. Our life must be the very life of Jesus Christ.


May peace and joy reign in your dear house! May the divine blessing fructify your works! May the souls around you find in you a model and a consolation! 4. 215
Peace is the first word of the Gospel; it is also the last: “Peace be with you” Jesus Christ lives in Jerusalem but His place of rest is Sion.
satisfaction is peace of heart, and peace of hearts is the surest way to attract to ourselves the celestial spouse who is the Prince of peace and the God of all consolation.3. 199


is to live in peace and doing conscientiously what you have to do. (1 Thess 4:3). This is God’s will; you must accept it and put it into practice, my dear daughter, especially since it is so sweet and lovable; all it asks for is love and love is an action which tell your heart what you must do and what you must not do; love teaches but it also strengthens, so that, in showing you the path, it gives you the strength to walk in it; it bears and carries you in such a way that for loving the soul, there are no obstacles, no mountains, no rocks; love is never offended, never retreats, never lets anything stop it; since it is life itself, it triumphs over everything, even death. My dear daughter, meditate on this unique will of God which is asking for your heart, your love…”. 2. 237


Emmanuel, Strong God, King of Glory, of Justice, Prince of Peace, Word, love, Light, Life, way, Truth, Son of God, Son of man. 1. 71 listen in peace to the Spirit of God speaking to your soul; recognize within your soul the voice of conscience, and see whether you are faithful and what there is that is not acceptable. 1. 144 true peace and joy, all the days of your life!” This is the formula for great blessings. 4. 85


Father I thank you that I can walk in kindness and compassion toward everyone in my life, forgiving everyone just as you forgive me.


With the whole Church and with the Jewish people we hope, pray and work for the day when all will know God and “justice and peace will embrace.” (Ps 85:10; cf Is 11:9)constitution 5.
I give you peace!“It is this priceless gift that I wish for you. Not the peace that the world gives, then takes back; but the peace of heaven, divinee peace, the peace that Christ brought to earth, that the Angels announced to men of good will, that the Apostles communicated to faithful souls; it is this peace which I call down upon you and which I wish to transmit to you, for in it there is happiness, the only true happiness. Man is happy only when he is in harmony with his first principle, with his Father, the eternal source of life and love. May this then be for you a year of grace. You began it with Jesus Christ; you will continue it with Him, you will end it with Him, you will live in Him and He is you until the end. 1 .152