Day: 8. July 2018

A Biblical “necklace” – what’s about?

To make a necklace (harizah), a midrash says you must first know how to pierce a hole in a pearl, then how to use the proper thread in order to string together the pearls to one necklace. The aim of making a necklace, harizah, is to manifest the divine origin of the Torah and to stress the unity of the Tenakh, (the unity of Revelation), the project of God. The pearls are found in the Torah, the Prophets (Neviim), and the Writings (Khetuvim). These pearls make present that the project of God is not ended. P.T.Hagigah 2,77b Making a necklace reveals the divine origin of the whole of Scripture (Torah, Prophets, and Holy Writings), their unity, and their permanent relevance. My Father, Abuyah , was one of the great personalities of Jerusalem. When the day arrived for my circumcision, he invited all the great personalities of Jerusalem and installed them in a house.As for Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua, he placed them in another house. When the guests had finished eating and drinking, they started …