Day: 17. January 2017


What is the meaning of discipleship? The answer to this question can be easily found in a dictionary but the deep meaning of this simple word goes further than a sentence or a description about someone who follows somebody else. The discipleship is a relationship between two persons, the master and his or her disciple. This relationship has to be an effective and affective bond between both of them. They have to deeply know each other and this profound connection only can occur when the master and the disciple walk together for a long time. In order to keep the relationship alive, authentic and strong, the master and the disciple require an attitude of listening, observing and obeying the Word of God. Each one has to do this in his own way of being, as a master or as a disciple. The master is the source of teaching. He is the one who is able to transmit and instruct the disciple. He can do this by giving all his or her knowledge and spirit to …