Day: 4. May 2015

“St. John in Montana” News, 04/2015

Easter Time in Jersualem We celebrated Easter with the Community at Ecce Homo. From there we could easily participate in all the Holy Week celebrations. A highlight for me was the Good Friday holy hour on the Lithostrotos led by Fr. Russ McDougall, C.S.C.; in his homily he mentioned that … Mark, Matthew and Luke make it clearer than John does, that opposition to Jesus coalesced within particular groups – among the priests, the scribes, the Pharisees. They also show that even within those groups, Jesus did have some supporters. The Gospel of John, on the other hand, speaks too often of Jesus’ opponents simply as “the Jews.” And that, for me, is the dark side of the Gospel of John, the side that has nurtured Christian hatred of Jews as enemies of Jesus, hatred that paved the way for the Holocaust, hatred that lives on to this day in some quarters of the Christian world. At just this time last year, a white supremacist in Kansas City killed three people that he thought were …