Day: 23. May 2015

Victoria’s Apostolic Experience

Working in the bilingual School „Hand in Hand” For my apostolic experience I worked in the school called “Hand in Hand” which is a school for Arabic (Moslem and Christian) and Jewish children. It is a bilingual school in the languages of Arabic and Hebrew. There are two teachers in each class, one for the Hebrew and one for Arabic language, because the children learn both languages. I am in the first class which means seven years old boys and girls. For me it is a great experience and I tried to challenge myself. Because I belong to the congregation of “Notre Dame de Sion”, this is the perfect place to practice our spirituality. In different missions trying to make peace and dialogue with others who are different and to accept them as they are. I help children who need some help in Arabic language and Mathematics. I play with them sometimes when they have sport time or are in the break. They are very happy when I am playing with them. The teachers encouraged …

Celebrating Shavuot

Shavuot is the second pilgrimage festival. It comes after Pesah and is followed by Sukkot ( cf Ex 23,14-17; Dt 16, 1-17) Those pilger festivals have in common several characteristics, mainly: Going up to Jerusalem, to  the Temple Celebrating at the same time an agricultural event and an historical moment of the History of Salvation. Expressing the joy of both events in singing the Hallel psalms ( 113-118) Those festivals were first cananean festivals, adopted by Israel and referred  to the One God Then, becoming pilgrimage festivals as soon as there has been a Temple: And In a third stage  related to an  evnt of the History of Salvation. Shavuot comes 7 weeks after Pesah,( cf Dt 16,9; Lev 23,15-16) even 5o- days, as a fulfillment of Pesah. The gift of the Tora is seen by Jewish tradition as and an inner deepening of the freedom given by the Lord in the Exodus from Egypt. Let my people go, so they can serve me ( cf Ex 4,23; 5,1,3; 7,16,26; 8,16,23; 9,13; 10,3)  The service …