Day: 7. December 2017

Sr. Ivone died unexpected

On December 4th it was announced that Sr. Ivone dos Santos, NDS (St. Amaro, Brazil) has passed away. She had a stroke the week before, which compromised her movements, sight and speech. Sr. Ivone was known for her smile, irreverence, simplicity and, above all, for her deep fraternal charity. We Religious of Sion pray for her soul and the comfort of her family and friends, but above all, we believe in the certainty of the resurrection. In July 2014 Sr. Ivone arrived at the international congregational novitiate community established in Ein Karem / Jerusalem just in that year. The formation team and the novitiate community want to express her gratitude for all the gifts you Ivone have made available to help in this mission of empowering young women to become mature Sisters of Sion. We  come to express our gratitude of your dedication to this beautiful and at the same time so demanding ministry of contributing to the formation of our next Sisters. We thank the Lord, our God, for the gift of your existence among …