
Lectio Devina

Begin with a quiet moment.

Attentive reading: In reading the text, ask what the text says in itself:

First read it aloud, Then read it quietly, even a few times if necessary.

Pay attention to: the time in which the story occurs; when and where it was written and in which language; to whom it is addressed.

Where does the text appear in this chapter: what is before it, and what is after it?

Ask yourself what kind of text this is: a story, a prayer, a letter, a song, a prophecy …?

Where does the story occur: in a closed or open space?

What do I know about this text: have I already heard this story or is this the first time?

Now look at the words in the text, especially if some are used more often.

Who are the people in the text and what are they doing?  Do the people know one another or not?

How does the text speak about God, and what picture/image of God can we see there?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATo go from reading the text to meditation on it: I begin to ask what the text tell me.  Psalm 85:8 I am listening. What is God’s message?

I try to put the text into my world, my life, my feelings …

What does the text tell me?

How do I respond to the text, and its message?

Meditation on the text is the basis for my prayer: what do I want to say to my God now.