Day: 15. April 2017

Good Friday 2017

During the Holy week, we went to Ecce Homo to celebrate the Paschal Triduum. This was our second experience living this special week in the Holy Land. It is incredible how after we visited some of the holy places the reading of Scriptures became alive and deeper in our heart and minds. Besides, this time in Ecce Homo was so wonderful because of the sharing with ConecSion; Sr. Leah and Beth from Philippines, Wafaa from Egypt, Cida D. Joshelia, Cida A. from Brazil and all the Ecce Homo community, Sr. Margaret Zdunich from Canada and Sr. Clare from the CLT, volunteers and friends. Our Sion family was a big and an enthusiastic group. It made the preparation and celebration of the liturgies full of life and joy. On Good Friday early in the morning at 5:45 we walked the “Way of the Cross”. It was beautiful to see many groups from everywhere walking to the Holy Sepulcher following the way of the Cross. People were expressing their personal and communitarian intensions with so much faith …