Day: 29. May 2016

Jews and Christians!

To think of God’s revelation to us as Jewish and Christian means we are able to make God to be part of our life which both respond to God’s call for common good. From May 18 – 26, Mark David Walsh gave us a class on Jewish – Christian Relationships. This session gave us the opportunity to learn and see the important of the development of the Judaism and Christianity together side by side. This began with the early followers of Jesus reading the Jewish Scriptures, which Mark called our ‘Shared Scriptures’ and continued through the next 200 years. Looking at the shared scriptures and the split between Judaism and Christianity. In the early life of Christianity, we see many understandings of who God is. This is also true with early understandings of Jesus’ own identity among many groups of believers in this time. During the life of Jesus we see many conflicts and confrontations among some of the different Jewish groups. Mark looks at it as a matter of dialogue rather than conflicts within …