Day: 9. May 2016

Visit to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, 2016

“But with you I shall establish my covenant and you will go aboard the ark, yourself, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives along with you. From all living creatures, from all living things, you must take two of each kind aboard the ark, to save their lives with yours.” (Gn 6,18.19.) On May 8th, we went to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo. It was a sunny and beautiful day. We walked around the garden, it was wonderful, since the garden had beautiful flowers and trees that adorned the view. Besides, it was amazing to see different species of animals and plants. we were so amazed to see those wonderful animals that do not exist in our countries. In addition, we had our picnic in the garden, we really enjoyed sharing this day and we blessed God for all the creation and wonders He has given to us. “God said, Let the earth produce every kind of living creature in its own species: cattle, creeping things and wild animals of all kinds. And so it …

132 years anniversary of Fr. Mary Alphonse’s death

“I believe in the resurrection, in divine mercy, in Mary’s tenderrness and in eternal life” (Fr. Mary Alphonse) On May 6th we celebrated two important events. The approbation of the new constitution in 1984 and in 1884, Fr Mary Alphonse died. We had a beautiful mass at 7am. We started in the cemetery and then we walked two by two until the big chapel with contemplative and apostolic sisters, brothers of Sion and friends of Sion. We recalled the memory of the death of Father Alphonse in the last moments of his life: “Father Mary asked for something to drink, holding the cup in his hands himself. Immediately after, a light gently brightened his face; he raised his read slightly, smiled, and opened his big blue eyes which had been closed since the afternoon. Full of life, they looked steadily at the corner of the room opposite his bed. Shortly afterwards, his eyes closed and while Sr. Eleonore whispered: “Mary… Mary,” he gave two gentle sighs. Humble until death, Father Mary had continued to be …