Day: 28. March 2015

Jesus and Covenant

Jesus and Covenant With Fr. Lionel Goh, OFM March 23-27, 2015 We begin our retreat in articulating that Vows is the deepening of the sacrament of baptism. It is the public and deeper pronouncement of our baptismal promises. Then we talked about the 3 stages of a traditional retreat which are the way of: (1) via purgativa or the way to acknowledging one’s sinfulness and unworthiness in the eyes of God (2) via illuminativa or the way of coming into light from darkness (3) via unitiva or the way to be reconcile and united with God. After that, Fr. Lionel led us in the deeper understanding of Covenant starting from the Hebrew Scriptures to Jesus. Fr. Lionel told us that the beginning of Covenant with God was the destruction of relationship as seen in the story of Adam and Eve.We also learned from him that sins begin with a question and a conversation with the devil. In Genesis chapter 3 we got to the whole dynamics and effects of the fall of first human being. …