Day: 21. January 2015

20 January

20th of January the feast of Mary’s Apparition to Alphonse The event of January the 20th was one of the signs for Theodore pointing to the will of God. For Alphonse this event was a symbol of light. In his later reflection he said “God does not communicate the Godhead except through light which is the expression of Life and Truth”. The event of January 20 became the foundation of Sion. It is through Mary’s Apparition to Alphonse that the mission of Sion came to being, “What a mission the gentle Virgin came to fulfill on earth! We knew that Israel had received promises of mercy because these promises are recorded in the Scriptures. But we can judge their grandeur and importance by the messenger chosen for their accomplishment.”(Book 4:76) Because of Mary’s apparition of light Sion came into being and expanded in different parts of the world, particularly in Jerusalem more than one hundred years ago. Today on this special day for all the Sion Family we are also celebrating the perpetual profession of …