Month: March 2014


The story in the book of Ester happened through the Greek empire 200 BC Ester:3:8 In the book many contradictions are found. A Jewish women marries a pagan king, Jews go to pagan bunquet feasts, in the book Leviticus it says , you will not revenge , in the end of the book of Ester there is a big revenge. God is acting in  hidden ways, acting in all the chances as everything is by chance: Ester chosen to become queen…the king is reading in the book of memorable deeds where he finds out that Mordachy was not reworded, Ester 6:2 The book of Ester shows a upside down world.  

Victoria is sharing her call.

My name is Victoria Nabil Helmi. I am Egyptian, originating from a poor Coptic-Catholic family living in village in Upper Egypt. I have a high school diploma in the sewing section and my hobbys are drawing and handicrafts. After graduating from school I worked for a year in the kindergarten of our village because I love children. The sisters of Notre Dame de Sion living in our village know me well from the time I was a child and they also know my family. From the time I was young I used to think about being a sister but when I grew up I forgot this idea. But the Lord reminded me again about this idea with a  verse of the scripture saying: “Leave everything and come and follow me.” Also the mission of the sisters in the village had an effect on me and so I again began to think about religious life. Why did I choose to be a sister in the Congregation of “Notre Dame de Sion”? First of all, its not …

Ash Wednesday

In the chapel of Ein Karem with all the sisters, brothers and friends of Sion. We celebrated Ash Wedensday the beginning of Lent which  leads us to New life.

Our first Newsletter

In Menu under  “Information / Our monthly News” also in the left column at the end of the page, our first newsletter can be downloaded in Spanish, English and Frensh.

Pancake evening

Pancake evening at the Ein Karem Community, where Contemplative and Apostolic Sisters, Brothers, Associates and Friends of Sion joined to eat pancakes before starting the session of Lent.