Day: 11. March 2014

Victoria is sharing her call.

My name is Victoria Nabil Helmi. I am Egyptian, originating from a poor Coptic-Catholic family living in village in Upper Egypt. I have a high school diploma in the sewing section and my hobbys are drawing and handicrafts. After graduating from school I worked for a year in the kindergarten of our village because I love children. The sisters of Notre Dame de Sion living in our village know me well from the time I was a child and they also know my family. From the time I was young I used to think about being a sister but when I grew up I forgot this idea. But the Lord reminded me again about this idea with a  verse of the scripture saying: “Leave everything and come and follow me.” Also the mission of the sisters in the village had an effect on me and so I again began to think about religious life. Why did I choose to be a sister in the Congregation of “Notre Dame de Sion”? First of all, its not …