
Rain of grace!

This week there was rain, rain of water! A shower of blessing! There was rain of learning! The flowers, the pines, the rosemary… all of nature sings giving thanks to God for the water from the sky.

In contemplating this, I remember the Biblical passage, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you” (Exodus 16:4). The drinking nature of God’s word, providence covers the whole world with faith, being still and knowing how to wait, but it is not always easy to follow the laws of God. So, I pray asking the Lord that my human nature be fertile and full of obedience to continue walking in their paths.

And speaking of the blessing of water, this is also a blessing: that Sister Maureen came from London to teach a course for us, a wealth of knowledge. The course called “Human, Spiritual, biblical and Theological Growth” the sessions are very interesting, and dynamic. We studied some issues around the Identity grid; Mechanisms of defence; Life transitions; also, video presentation and reflections, Bible readings, questions and answers. Classes always end with good conversation and Reflection. I liked it a lot, it was deep and just right for this moment.

Among several observations I had, I share one that made me feel safer here in the novitiate, Sister Maureen asked a question of us: WHO ARE YOU?

Who am I? Immediately I thought of another question in the Bible. “Where are you?” (Genesis 3.9) My answer: I am in God and God is in me, I belong to the Lord what a wonderful grace! So, I have nothing to fear. This reflection enabled me to discoverer a strength to serve more, to hold the hands of God and to go beyond my fears and limitations.

My favourite passages in the bible are the call of God to people, like: Noah; Abraham; Gideão; Elias; Samuel; Maria; Zachary, the apostles, etc. All were called to a specific mission. God believed them, and they believed in God, and to this day God continues to believe in us, motivating each one to a mission for the growth of the Kingdom.

May the Lord help me to embrace my mission and to do his will in me as he did with so many others who have gone before me.

Well, this sharing happened thanks to this meeting here in Ein Karem. I, Iulia, Sr. Colette, and Sr. Juliana participated together, I am really enjoying it.

We also had the opportunity to meet Sr. Kasia, who came to dinner with us and cheered us up with her presence.

Thanks, Lord!

Erika Regina, novice NDS